v3 - 05 - random thoughts

sometimes I freeze into my ideas and I am unable to move forward.

this is when it's important to remember to keep doing things.

so here are a few things that are keeping me busy lately:

you can see some of my works at the Art souterrain project called Créer des ponts. I will be organizing coworking sessions in November 2022 - you are invited. I am only going to ask you a few questions about what work means to you, and we will spend some time doing work together in the space. An example would be: I can show you how to code your own HTML/CSS only website and we can deploy it on Github or Gitlab!

No matter if you can make it to the coworking session or not, there will be a finissage later on. It will be announced on the project page.

I gave a talk at Montréal-Python meetup number 96 on generating RSS feeds.

There are so many things I need to do to keep the finartcialist project going... One of them involve writing down all my thoughts and ideas and possibilities and why I am doing this thing and not something else. I might take the month of November to write a few rough drafts covering these questions.

I often feel like I am doing so little compared to all I could do. Remember to be compassionate with yourself if you are out there creating something.